Ocean Grove Location-Beach Block 4 BDRM, Ocean Views

Special offer BOOK BY JANUARY 5th FOR AN "EARLY BIRD SPECIAL FOR 2025 SPRING AND SUMMER RENTALS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEKLY RATES FOR UP TO 8 GUESTS $6500 plus fees - SAVE $1500
Special offer period: Dec 8, 2024 - Jan 5, 2025
Ocean Grove NJ: The latest discovery on the Jersey Shore is one of the oldest summer resorts on the Jersey Shore. Founded in 1869, Ocean Grove's turn of the century Victorian cottages, houses, hotel-condo conversions are lovingly restored and listed here as summer-winter rentals . Ocean Grove's beach-goers enjoy a panoramic view of Ocean Grove's historic skyline of turrets, shingled houses, and hotels. The Ocean Grove boardwalk is relaxed and non-commercial. Downtown Ocean Grove has a market, coffee shops, sidewalk cafes, ice cream parlors, fine restaurants - all in historic buildings - lots of Victorian period details. Restaurants let you can bring your own wine or beer: Ocean Grove is a dry town. (There are no bars in Ocean Grove.) Sister City Asbury Park offers nightlife, music, breweries, festivals.